Manage Data with Easy UI and Self-Service APIs

Proven at Scale for Mission-Critical Apps

The world’s largest organizations trust their most important database apps to MySQL and Postgres. These systems are known to deliver.

Highly Available and Scalable

Ease the operational overhead of running databases at scale with built-in backups, monitoring and several layers of high availability.

Provides the Freedom to Choose

Discover an alternative to the cost and complexity often associated with third-party, proprietary database engines.

Runs on Any Cloud

Install and self-manage VMware SQL wherever you like. Enjoy a consistent developer experience and disaster recovery strategy across cloud and large Tanzu Application Service deployments.

VMware SQL Features

Self-Service Access

Developers can spawn dedicated on-demand instances of SQL for new and replatformed apps without operator intervention. The service works the same in any cloud.

Easy Provisioning

Simplify creation and management of VMware SQL databases running in vSphere with comprehensive set of APIs.

Embedded Security

VMware SQL is configured with sane and secure defaults so that the service meets user expectations for a general-use relational database.

Learn, Evaluate, Implement


Explore technical documentation, reports, trial, communities and more.


Find trusted partners who can expertly deliver and extend the value of your investment.

Get Started with VMware SQL

Get started with VMware SQL and provide your developers with a relational database-as-a-service fully compatible with MySQL and Postgres.


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